Words Defined in Today’s Topic of Discussions
–Means of Opening Doors of Great
–Authority to Explore / Exploit
Words Defined in Today’s Topic of Discussions
Words Defined in Today’s Topic of Discussions•Unlimited
Words Defined in Today’s Topic of Discussions
–Unqualified Blessing
is the Year of Gods Unlimited Favor.
–15 is a multiple of two key numbers
is The God HEAD – The TRINITY
•5 is the number of Mercy and Grace
•The Combination leads to Unlimited Grace,
Mercy and Favor
is the Year of Gods Unlimited Favor.
–We are at the End of March, If Gods Favor
has not located you, you shall be located today in Jesus Name
45: I-3
is what the Lord says to His anointed, to
Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him
and to strip
kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gate will not be shut;
will go
before you and will level mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and
cut through bars of iron.
3. I
will give
you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so
that you may know that I am
the Lord the God of Israel who summons
you by name
is Your Right to Be Blessed Beyond Limit
Blessed them and Said to them be fruitful and Increase in Number, fill the
Earth and Subdue it, rule over the fish in the Sea and The Bird in the Skies
and over every LIVING CREATURE that moves on the Ground… Genesis 1:28
You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to
her; the appointed time has come……Psm 102 :13
to Unleaching Gods
Unlimited Favor
•Accept God and Believe He Will Do All
•But Seek First His Kindom and
its righteousness and ALL other things shall be Given unto You… Mathew 6.33
and Believe who God Says You are
–Made Righteous
–Co inheritor of the Promise of
multiplication and Increase
–“If our heart does not condem
us, then we will have confidence with God”
•Simply Expect It, Anticipate it
….”nothing can separate us from God
To Unlimited Favor
Personal Favor is not a matter of Background, intelligence or native ability.
It is not our family , friend or contacts who enable us to do extraordinary
things but our ability to get the very best out
of our selves under almost all conditions and circumstances. It
is our ability to adapt and change your life
to Unlimited Favor
exactly what you want and where you want to go
a Deadline and make a plan to get there (a goal is a dream with a deadline
action on your plan, do something everyday to move you towards your goal
in advance that you will persist until you succeed, that you will never ever
give up.
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